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Grand Jury Vs Jury

Grand Juries vs. Trial Juries: Key Differences and Functions


The American legal system relies heavily on juries to ensure fair and impartial trials. However, there are two distinct types of juries: grand juries and trial juries. While both serve important roles, their functions and procedures differ significantly.

Grand Juries

A grand jury is a group of citizens tasked with investigating potential criminal conduct and determining whether criminal charges should be filed. Unlike trial juries, grand jury proceedings are private and closed to the public. The grand jury hears evidence from prosecutors but not from defense attorneys. If the grand jury believes there is probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed, it will issue an indictment, which authorizes the prosecution to move forward with a criminal case.

Trial Juries

A trial jury is a group of citizens who are responsible for determining the guilt or innocence of a defendant in a criminal or civil case. Unlike grand juries, trial juries hear evidence from both the prosecution and the defense. The jury deliberates in private and reaches a verdict based on the evidence presented. The verdict in a criminal case must be unanimous, while in a civil case, the jury may reach a verdict by a majority vote.

Key Differences

The key differences between grand juries and trial juries include:

  • **Purpose:** Grand juries investigate potential criminal conduct and determine whether charges should be brought, while trial juries determine guilt or innocence.
  • **Privacy:** Grand jury proceedings are private, while trial juries are open to the public.
  • **Evidence:** Grand juries hear evidence from prosecutors only, while trial juries hear evidence from both sides.
  • **Verdict:** Grand juries issue indictments, while trial juries issue verdicts.


Grand juries and trial juries play vital roles in the American legal system. Grand juries ensure that criminal charges are only filed when there is probable cause, while trial juries provide a fair and impartial forum for determining guilt or innocence.
